In 1972, RNS began a campaign to establish, not only for cancer but medical services for heart-related diseases. They started with a Medical and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Soon after this, a Surgical Intensive Care Unit was added.
In 1973 thru 1977 a number of needed medical items and equipment were donated. Among these were 5 defibrillators, a 4-bed Telemetry System, an Aerobic Bacteria System, a portable Defibrillator, Colonoscope, & Telemetry.
In 1981, a partial refurbishing of the 4th Floor Annex was completed.
With another Founder’s Gift of $1,000,000.00, the ACMC Heart Institute /Rose Newman Pavilion was opened the summer of 2001. This center brings high-quality cardiac surgery and an interventional cardiology program to the Southeastern NJ Region performing open-heart, by-pass grafts & valve repairs/replacements & interventional procedures such as balloon, angioplasty & stent placements. The center has maintained an excellent clinical outcome and superb patient satisfaction results.
Prevention and rehabilitation are also a large part of the Heart Institute. They were the first in the community to offer HeartScan, a non-invasive, painless screening exam for the dedication of calcified plaque in the arteries of the heart . HeartCheck is another regional community screening service taking place on the AtlantiCare Health Mobile and includes blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar screening, a body mass index, heart/ lung assessment, and a 12-leas EKG.
Additional programs through the Heart Institute include: monthly “Matters of the Heart” lectures; screening for blood pressure, blood sugar and choles- terol levels (Mainland Division) cardiac support groups for patients and their families; and mall walkers at the Hamilton Mall.